Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cincinnati - Day 7

Today was a day for playing games and picture taking (and more baking!).

I went to another library during opening hours in the daylight!

I was intrigued at the idea of keeping track of the summer reading program on a computer. I don't know why I was intrigued in this day and age of technology, but I was.

Amazing ceiling, and wonderful decorations for our SRP theme (Make a Splash/Make Waves)!

The children's section/"wing" of the library.

And then I made more of "THE COOKIES" for my mom's side of the family.
And by "more" I mean a mountain.

For the recipe, see my previous post. And please let me know what you think of them if you make them!


  1. I live right outside of cincinnati. I'm glad you're enjoying my "home." :)

    I love our libraries, definitely.


  2. I was born in Cincinnati but was moved to FL when I was 4. Almost all of my family (except my parents) still live up there so we go up pretty often. :) Thanks for the library support! :)


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