Friday, November 2, 2012

Follow Friday

Question (11/2/2012) : What is a deal breaker for you in a book? For example, do you abhor love triangles? Or can't deal with bad editing?

I have a tendency to give up on books if they have a slow start. I don't particularly care for love triangles anymore, since they're so over-done, but it won't stop me from reading a book if I like the story. Also, I vaguely remember reading something (can't remember if it was a book or an article for school) that was littered with quotation marks - and not the kind you use when you actually quote someone, and not in the sense of dialogue. That drove me up a wall and I couldn't finish it...whatever "it" was. See? Imagine "that", but having "that" done "several" times a paragraph, "sometimes" even more than once per sentence. "Annoyed" yet?

I would appreciate a follow, IF you think my blog covering books and other ideas for Babies to Young Adults will appeal to you and/or help you in some way. I DO NOT want you to follow me just because you feel like you have to because I'm participating in the Hop, as I cannot promise the same to you. For instance, if your blogging specialty is erotic novels or adult books, I have nothing against you or your site, it's just not my cup of tea.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Heya! I tend to give up on books with slow starts too. Just kind of dampens my mood when I can't get into the story until I'm halfway through the book. Really cute blog btw! New Follower :)

    Here's my #FF

  2. I really try to power through the slow starts because I find that sometimes the book ends up to be amazing.

    New follow.
    Alise - My FF Post

  3. Now why would they need all those quotes that just does not make sense.

    New GFC follower

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

  4. EEekk.. yes... that's incredibly annoying... I would've only made it a few pages if "that" was done constantly. >_<

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! I'm now following you via GFC! (I LOVE your banner BTW)


  5. I definitely agree with you! I always put down my book if I begin to feel bored because of the slowness. Reading slow books definitely contributes to reading slumps and I really don't want to get into another one anytime soon. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

    Old GFC follower. Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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