Friday, September 14, 2012

Follow Friday

Question (9/14/2012) : What hyped up book do you think was not worth all the talk?

Sorry, Stephenie Meter, but I don't think you did justice to the end of your series. I'm pretty sure I went to Barnes & Noble for the release party - lines wrapping all around the store, crazy people in crazy costumes...I stayed up all night trying to make it through the book and sadly failed. Once finished the book a couple days later, I remember thinking I just spent all that time reading a 700 page book (or something like that), and half of it was just listening to the good guys and bad guys talk about whether or not they wanted to fight, all to end up in a fight that lasted like...5 pages. Maybe not literally, but that's how it felt in comparison.

I would appreciate a follow, IF you think my blog covering books and other ideas for Babies to Young Adults will appeal to you and/or help you in some way. I DO NOT want you to follow me just because you feel like you have to because I'm participating in the Hop, as I cannot promise the same to you. For instance, if your blogging specialty is erotic novels or adult books, I have nothing against you or your site, it's just not my cup of tea.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I knoow. BD was just weird for me. Following via GFC. :)

  2. I havent read the Twilight books- I amnjust not interested. I am a new follower via GFC (I own a daycare love kids books and I dont know of many blogs that review baby/toddler books- maybe I'm not looking hard enough?).

    1. I read the Twilight books before they were as hyped up as they are now with the movies and whatnot. I don't know of MANY blogs that review books for the younger crowd either, but they are out there (mostly YA though, I know how you feel). Try Kidlitosphere? Many of those are also YA but they have some good younger ones as well if I recall correctly. :)

  3. I'm not a Twilight fan but I have to say I LOVE your reasoning here. It made me LOL.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  4. I agree and disagree at the same time. I wasn't disappointed at the end of the book but I can definitely see how some people would be. They say that Breaking Dawn part 2 isn't exactly like the book so I'm hoping there's more of a fight at the end!

    New follower. You can check out my FF here.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I would be happy if the movie isn't as boring as the book but if they really do change it that much to where it's not like the book...what's the point? lol
      Following you back - what random cows! lol

  5. Here's my FF..
    Have a great day!
    *New GFC follower. :)

  6. New follower here!

    The Twilight series was my pick, so I understand where you're coming from, LOL.


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