Use the sign language alphabet to...
~ Share messages with friends
~ Spell something top secret
~ Talk - without speaking - in a quiet place" (inside jacket cover)
I recently learned that alphabet books are supposedly valuable in any children's storytime, as it promotes early literacy. So, I guess it's a good thing that I already enjoyed using them in my storytimes! This book is great for any storytime then, because it's a very general one that will likely be able to fit in with any theme.
While the author seems to have intended the book for a slightly older audience (in her notes she says things like "use sign language to help practice spelling any word you want, sending messages across the playground, etc."), but I would not hesitate to use this book with even the youngest children. It is your typical alphabet book (i.e. "A is for Astronaut, B is for Bird"), including a variety of words that should already be familiar to young children, as well as fun, albeit slightly exaggerated illustrations. On each page, there is also an illustration of what your hand should look like if you are signing each letter. At the end of the book is a page with the entire sign language alphabet.
The only criticism I have to make about this book is that some of the lines on the hands (i.e. around each finger) are not particularly distinctive, which may make the hand illustration confusing to younger children who are trying to correctly imitate what is in the picture.
Amazon recommends this book for ages 4 and up, but I think I've made myself pretty clear where I stand on this issue.
My rating:
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